Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello Again

Hey guys,

I know it's been a really long time, and I am insanely sorry about that. Fortunately (and unfortunately) I now have a ton of free time on Saturdays, so I can post weekly again. Why is this somewhat unfortunate? Well, I went to church/synagogue/shul/whatever-you-wanna-call-it every week for... Well, the vast majority of my life and a couple weeks ago, it was closed due to a lack of donations. Anyway, that's several hours I would normally spend studying the Bible at church that I can now spend on here. Who knows? Maybe I'll go back to the longer posts again. ...Then again, the chapter long ones seem to be a lot easier to swallow, so maybe not. Let me know which you prefer and I can work with that.

Anyways, we shall be picking up again this week, and I'm super excited to get back! I love doing this and it, well, it makes me happy.

In other good news, Tightrope Walking may soon have another writer! If she accepts the offer, she will be helping put together the music/movies/books/other-homework part of the blog. Actually, she'll be doing most of that job. I may also occasionally ask her to write her thoughts in some of my posts. She's already come up with some interesting points that never really occurred to me regarding my older posts, so it may be time to go edit! So far, she has the right qualifications: she's a teenager, loves music, enjoys writing, and is a leader in her church's youth group.

I'd ask for a round of applause to our possible new writer, but since we can't hear you and it'd be weird to clap at your computer, you don't need to do that. I would however, appreciate your thoughts on these new developments, so comment away!

Have an awesome week, and I'll be back this Saturday!


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